At Alertstoreshop, we want you to stay informed about the status of your order. Our order tracking process is simple and straightforward. Here’s how you can track your order:
Once your order has been processed and shipped, you will receive an email confirmation containing your tracking number and a link to track your shipment. Please check your inbox (and spam/junk folder) for this email.
Click on the tracking link provided in the email. This will take you to the carrier's tracking page, where you can see the current status of your shipment.
If you prefer to visit the carrier's website directly, you can enter your tracking number in the appropriate tracking section on their site. This will give you detailed information about your shipment's journey.
Your order may have various statuses during transit:
If your tracking information shows that your package has been marked as delivered but you have not received it, please check around your delivery area and with neighbors. If you still cannot locate your package, contact our customer service team for assistance.
Thank you for shopping with Alertstoreshop! We appreciate your business and are here to help if you have any questions or concerns about your order.